
Dr Joan Taylor (1940–2019) left; Professor Liz Slater (1946-2014) centre; Dr Ceren Kabukcu teaching in the microscope lab (images © Department of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology, University of Liverpool)

giving tuesday

This Tuesday is GivingTuesday, a campaign started in the US to encourage giving to charities. This campaign helps to focus attention on charitable giving for one day each year and enables charities to showcase their work and to encourage individuals to make a donation.

At the recent Fred Freeman Lecture, Professor Sir David Cannadine spoke about how the University of Liverpool was funded and established thanks to the support of local businessmen – (to read the full lecture, click here).

Liverpool has continued to build on this foundation of philanthropy ever since, with examples including Harold Cohen made a gift of £100,000 for a new library in 1936, an appeal in 1956 to raise £500,000 to enhance the Halls of Residence and sports facilities and Yoko Ono made a donation to the University to endow the John Lennon Memorial Scholarships in 1991. Donations large and small throughout our history have helped shaped the University campus, the student experience and our world-class research.

The University continues to be successful in its fundraising efforts; the last year has seen gifts from a number of sources funding scholarships, academic positions and capital projects. A recent gift from the Tung Foundation is enabling the University to offer generous scholarships to outstanding Hong Kong students to study here . Our partnership with Santander Universities provides funding to support paid internships, scholarships for our students and staff exchanges with other Santander partner Universities. The institution also receives support from a large number of alumni and friends of the University through the Benefactors’ Fund that supports a PhD scholarship and a numerous projects across campus to enhance the student experience.

This Tuesday we will using our social media channels to celebrate the support that the University has received, as well as explaining how donors can donate to the University. Follow our twitter account @livunialumni to keep up to date this Tuesday!

giving tuesday

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