The University’s Excellence Scholarships Fund, has received a further boost through a donation from a Liverpool alumnus.
The donation will be used to provide a Challenge Matching Fund, enabling donors to the Excellence Fund to maximise their gifts through a 4:1 match, up to a total value of £250,000. This is in addition to Gift Aid, meaning that a donation of £100 to the scholarships fund will be worth £156.25.
The Excellence Scholarships provide support for the most talented students for whom finance may be a barrier to attending our University.
The University’s Director of Philanthropy and Alumni Relations, Karen Brady, said: “We have an outstanding track record in widening participation and these new scholarships, available for students applying for entry in 2015, encapsulate the values on which our University was founded.”
The £2,000 per year awards are aimed at UK undergraduates with AAA or above at A level or equivalent, and a household income of less than £42,620, in addition to other support which may be available to them, including the Liverpool Bursary.
For students with a household income below £42,620 an overall support package of £3,000 per year is available, rising to £4,000 for those with household income of less than £25,000. The scholarships will be guaranteed for those students already in receipt of the award who then wish to progress to postgraduate study at the University.
For more information or to make a gift to the fund visit: www.liverpool.ac.uk/giving/excellence-scholarships or contact Dr Lisa Hannah-Stewart, Annual Giving Manager at lisa.hannah-stewart@liverpool.ac.uk or 0151 795 4638.