Academics working across the University are invited to engage with the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences’ Security and Conflict Research Group by attending a special event featuring a talk by renowned journalist, Orla Guerin.
The event takes place on Friday October 27 between 12-2pm in the Victoria Gallery and Museum’s Leggate Theatre.
HSS Research Manager, Nicky Schofield said: “We are not proscriptive regarding what the terms security and conflict means.
“Therefore, this is an open invitation and we hope that it draws scholars both established and emerging as well as undergraduates.
“In particular, we are keen to develop inter-disciplinary research synergies that help develop the impressive body of conflict and security research at the University of Liverpool.”
As well as welcoming BBC journalist Orla Guerin, the event features a broad range of talks from academics whose work covers everything from counter-terrorism to human rights and post-war reconstruction.
To reserve your place, please email: viola.segeroth@liverpool.ac.uk