University of Liverpool research staff will celebrate and recognise the significant contributions of the postdoctoral researchers at Liverpool during National Postdoc Appreciation Week from 16th-20th September.
National Postdoc Appreciation Week (NPAW) was created by the National Postdoc Association in the USA. Since 2009, every 3rd week in September, Universities across the world take part in various activities and special events to recognise the significant contributions that postdoctoral staff make to research and discovery in higher education institutions.
To mark the 10th annual celebration of NPAW, this year in Liverpool, the Research Staff Association (UoL RSA), together with researcher representatives from across the campus are hosting a variety of events to celebrate the work of over 500 postdocs who make the University of Liverpool what it is.
These include pizza and coffee and cake socials, a workshop on infographics, launch of a postdoc seminar series as well as a tour of the life sciences building.
To see the full timetable of events, please click here. This will be updated as new events are confirmed. The UoL RSA is also joining up with activities in Manchester and London.
Postdocs are an essential workforce at the University. As well as being at the forefront of scientific discoveries, they also plan and conduct research, analyse data and disseminate results for publication and presentation at conferences. They often have teaching responsibilities, as well as mentoring and supervising junior staff and students.
Get involved
Are you a student who has benefited from the knowledge, expertise and help from your postdoc? Have they contributed to your success? Or are you a PI whose research output and laboratory has benefitted from the hard work of your past and present postdocs?
If so, please let them know they are appreciated and get involved by sharing pictures and stories with #LovePostdocs and #NPAW2019 #UoLRSA
Postcards for supervisors to send to your postdoc will also be available. Colleagues will be able to access them here, to send a virtual card or for a template to print off and hand in person.
Events are open to anyone in the University but please check availability for places as some events have limited capacity and require registration beforehand.
Further information
Upon commencement of their contracts, all research staff automatically become members of the UoL RSA. Further information about the UoL RSA and upcoming activities can be found at https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/researcher/uol-rsa/
For any informal enquiries, please email: researchstaffassociation@liverpool.ac.uk
Follow @LivUniAcademy, @LivResearcher and @UoL_RSA for updates and information about further research staff development opportunities.