Moving to university is exciting but can also be daunting. There is a lot to think about so it’s no surprise that some can find themselves feeling a little overwhelmed.
To help make the transition into university life as smooth as possible take a look at our tips on moving into your new home, making new friends and creating great memories.
Get a packing list
Your packing list will be your best friend when preparing to go university. Remember to not only pack the essentials but to pack some comforts from home too. A photo of friends and family, your favourite mug and a cosy blanket can really help add a personal touch and make you feel settled in your new space.
It is also worth checking if you need to sort out additional insurance for your belongings. Have a look at what is already covered on our insurance policy.
Don’t worry about forgetting something before you arrive, you will be able to find pretty much everything on your doorstep here in Liverpool.
Making new friends
Your first week will be filled with new faces and is a great time to get to know people and make some friends. It is a good idea to start a group chat with your flatmates or people you have met on your course to organise days out, pub quizzes and film nights.
If you’re feeling shy try to remember that everyone is in the same boat. A a pack of cards can be a great way to break the ice!
Have fun
Welcome Week is here to be enjoyed but it is important to look out for yourself and each other. Before a big night out remember to eat plenty of food and have enough change set aside in case you need a taxi home.
If you plan on drinking don’t feel pressured to do rounds as this can often mean you end up drinking more than you normally would in a shorter amount of time. Remember that water is your pal and a glass between drinks can help keep you hydrated and clear-headed the next day.
For more advice on how to stay safe but still have fun visit Safeline.
Welcome Week
There is a lot going on during Welcome Week from comedy nights, welcome parties and bingo. Take a look at what is on at Liverpool Guild of Students and make sure to attend the Welcome Fair (Thursday 19 Sept) and Societies Fair (Friday 20 Sept) to explore new hobbies and interests and pick up some freebies along the way. Did someone say pizza?!?
Download a campus map
It will take a while to remember where everything is on campus so make sure you have downloaded the Campus Map to help you easily find places like the Library and Lecture Halls. Give yourself plenty of time to get from one place to the other in the first couple of weeks just in case you take a left turn instead of a right.
Health matters
Fresher’s Flu is no joke and it is important to keep yourself as healthy as possible in your new environment.
Make sure you register with a GP as soon as you arrive. Brownlow Health have a GP practice on campus as well as others across the city, and if you register in advance you will be able to see a doctor quickly and easily if you need to. The NHS also recommends that all new students have the MenACWY vaccination to guard against meningitis and septicaemia. If you are not sure if your vaccinations are up to date check with your GP as soon as possible, ideally before you arrive on campus. For more information visit the NHS website.
It is a good idea to get multivitamins and some cold and flu treatment for when you’re feeling under the weather. A hot water bottle always helps too!
Get budgeting
Student discounts are great but do you actually need that t-shirt in five different colours? You really don’t want to run out of money in the first few weeks at university so it is important to have a rough budget to stick to.
Sign up for a student bank account, use your student loan sensibly and remember just because something is discounted it doesn’t mean you have to buy it.
For more money saving tips visit Save the Student for some great ways to cut down on spending so you always have enough to have fun and get your food shopping.
Food glorious food
Super Noodles are great but you don’t want to live off them forever. If your cooking skills leave a lot to be desired there are some simple student cook books available that cover the basics and won’t break the bank.
Bigger shops at supermarkets work out cheaper than lots of little visits to the corner store so consider doing a rough meal plan to save money and to pencil in your fruit and veg.
Connect your phone
As a student you will receive some important messages via email from lecturers, accommodation services, the library and so on. To make sure you don’t miss anything important, connect your university email account to your phone so that you keep updated. Information on how to set emails up on your phone can be found on the CSD website.
Our App Directory has some other software you will find useful to have on your device.
It is okay not to be okay
There can be a lot of pressure in your first few weeks at university to have the best time ever. But it is important to know that everyone has good and bad days – nobody has fun 24/7!
If you feel that you or one of your friends are struggling, we are here to help and support you.
Any student can drop in to see our Wellbeing Team at our wellbeing drop-in sessions which run every week day (Monday – Friday) 11am – 3pm. There is no need to book – just come along to the Student Welfare Advice and Guidance point on the ground floor of the Alsop Building (University Square). Our Student Services page also has some helpful contacts and services you can access if you have any worries or just a need a chat.
We hope you are looking forward to starting your journey with us here in Liverpool! For more information on what is happening on campus and across the city follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.