Celebrating Disability History Month

Disability History Month

Between Thursday 18 November and Monday 20 December, we are celebrating Disability History Month 2021.

Disability History Month is an annual event that aims to celebrate the lives of disabled people and explore and challenge inequality, both current and historical, with the aim of achieving equality.

The month is an opportunity to celebrate the incredible community of disabled staff and students here at the university. It also provides an extra opportunity to raise awareness of the barriers and issues disabled people still face in society.

There are a number of events running locally and nationally:

United Kingdom Disability History Month (UKDHM) have collated an events calendar that includes seminars, workshops, and awareness sessions. Information about all of the events along with booking details are available through the UKDHM website.

News from Nowhere on Bold Street are inviting you to contribute to a window display on 23 November that will celebrate Disability History Month. Bring a book, an image, or artefact that you think is important to an aspect of disability experience. These objects will be displayed in the window during Disability History Month.

If unable to attend in-person please email your reply to the question “What does disability mean to you?” and your answer will feature in the window, on printed on cards positioned around the display, either anonymously or with your name attached if you wish.

DaDaFest Scratch 21 is a festival of ideas developed at DaDa’s Artist Incubation Hub. It includes contributions from a new generation of genre-smashing Disabled, Deaf and Neurodivergent artists, musicians, creatives and theatre makers. The festival has a series of live and online events running in Liverpool until the end of November. Information about the events and booking is available on the DaDaFest website.

The Museum of Liverpool are hosting a series of creative workshops responding to this year’s dual themes of Hidden Impairments and Sex and Relationships. The project consists of three creative workshops led by local disabled artist Jens Welch. For more information and to book your place visit the Liverpool Museums website.

For more events and information visit the Disability History Month Events page.

To find out more about the help, support, and advice available for disabled students please click here.