The University has become an alliance member of Black British in STEM (BBSTEM), an initiative which aims to support and champion Black individuals across science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).
With recruitment and retention rates particularly low amongst Black students in STEM subjects, BBSTEM was established as a non-profit organisation in 2017. It aims to increase the representation of Black scientists in industry and in academia and inspire young Black people to pursue STEM subjects in university and beyond.
Membership benefits
The University’s membership, which will run from September 2022 to September 2023 in the first instance, has a number of benefits for students including:
- Employer led insight days
- Access to industry and academia opportunities from employers actively welcoming diverse talent
- 1-1 mentoring from a BBSTEM professional member
- Opportunities to build professional networks
- Events and programmes. Previous events include networking events, mental health
- awareness workshops, entrepreneurship and collaboration with other STEM groups.
Eligibility for these opportunities are ringfenced in the first instance for Black STEM students, however, where there is additional capacity events may be opened up to non-STEM students from a BAME background.
Access the Bridge Mentoring Scheme
The BBSTEM Bridge Mentoring Scheme is a voluntary programme designed to offer students the opportunity of being mentored by a BBSTEM professional member. There are currently over 400 industry or academic professionals ranging from a number disciplines, areas of expertise and years of experience who have expressed an interest in being a mentor.
For mentees, this is an opportunity to discuss any issues and consider their career options. By communicating with a professional, students can benefit from hearing about their experience of their mentor’s transition out of university and into the world of work, further study, volunteering, etc.
The mentoring scheme is completely virtual as our students and professionals are based all across the country and each cohort runs for 6 months. At the end of the 6 months mentors and mentees have the freedom to continue their relationship beyond the Bridge programme if they would like to.
How to apply
Applications for the next cohort close on 31 October 2022 ready to be paired in November 2022. If you would like to take part in the scheme, please ensure you sign up as a student member.
To apply you must be a Black British STEM student, from second year undergraduate through to recent graduates, and postgraduate students. You must also be signed up as a BBSTEM student member.
Further information
For more information about BBSTEM please take a look at their webpages.