The University community are invited to events as part of the Heritage Series marking the 150th anniversary of Princes Road Synagogue.
Six months of events will take place including ceremonies, concerts, lectures, meals, performances, talks, tours, and walks to mark the 150th Anniversary of the Synagogue.
The series will start on Sunday, 8 September with a grand Civic Event in the Great Hall of St George’s Hall (in the Presence of Civic Dignitaries including representatives from the entire Liverpool City Region.
On Monday, 9 September 2024 at 11am, there will be an illustrated talk exploring the themes of Awe & Splendour in Judaism generally and, in particular, in the context of the Synagogue presented by Rabbi Eliyohu E. Rubinstein (philosopher and educator).
Events throughout the series will include a focus on Science and the Arts with University representatives such as Professor Simon Hands and Professor Eve Rosenhaft.
Further information and tickets
For the full programme of events and further information, please visit https://www.princesroad.org/lohc-heritage-season To apply for tickets including a tour of Princes Road Synagogue, please visit: https://www.princesroad.org/ticket-application-form.