UK maritime experts gather to discuss Net Zero 

From l to r: Professor Penny Holliday, Professor Tim Jones, Professor Mark Power and Dr Stephen Jay

The Liverpool Institute for Sustainable Coasts and Oceans (LISCO) hosted an event for UK maritime experts to explore the natural and societal impact of climate change, and discuss ways to decarbonise the maritime sector. 

LISCO is a collaboration between the University of Liverpool, Liverpool John Moores University and the National Oceanography Centre (NC) and researchers from all three organisations were joined at the event by stakeholders from the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA) and industry experts to participate in a series of presentations, panel discussions and interactive sessions at the intersection of research and policy. 

Guest speakers included University of Liverpool Vice Chancellor, Professor Tim Jones, Liverpool John Moores University Vice Chancellor, Professor Mark Power and Chief Scientific Officer, National Oceanography Centre, Professor Penny Holliday who outlined the importance of this research collaboration in supporting the net zero cause. 

Speakers and attendees explored a wide range of perspectives including how to utilise the Liverpool-Belfast green shipping corridor, the LCRCA’s maritime agenda and the opportunities and priorities of the maritime sector to contribute to net zero.  

The University’s expertise in this area spans all three faculties and the focus on decarbonising the maritime sector aligns with the UK’s national goals to achieve net zero 

Professor John Bridgeman also delivered a talk on the University of Liverpool’s new EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Net Zero Maritime Solutions which has been established to train 52 new researchers with the skills needed to address a broad range of net zero energy challenges facing the maritime sector. 

Dr Stephen Jay, Reader in Marine Planning with the University’s Department of Geography & Planning and Director of LISCO said: “This was an invaluable opportunity to bring together research, industry and government communities to explore the possibilities for future collaboration in the decarbonising the maritime sector, not least in our host city of Liverpool.  This is building upon a recent Catapult Connected Places project which has identified the steps needed to create a green shipping corridor between Liverpool and Belfast.” 

LISCO is a collaboration between the University of Liverpool, Liverpool John Moores University and the National Oceanography Centre and combines the coastal, marine and maritime expertise of all three member organisations, with work focused on six interlinked research themes – blue-green energy, coastal resilience, oceans and climate, ports and the maritime industry, the living ocean and the sea and society. 

Find out more about LISCO at their website: