Final year undergrad? Tell us about your University experience

The National Student Survey (NSS) is officially open and if you’re a final year undergrad, you can now share your experience of studying at Liverpool.

We want to hear what you’ve enjoyed about your time with us and where we could have done things better, so we can make positive changes for future students, like improving our courses, facilities and campus.

As the NSS is run by the independent survey company Ipsos on behalf of the Office for Students, your responses are completely anonymous.

Take part in the National Student Survey now

To say thank you for taking part in the survey, you’ll be entered into our prize draw where you could win a:

  • £50 Union Brew voucher
  • £50 Greggs voucher
  • £100 Amazon voucher

For every survey completed by one of our students, we’ll also donate £1 to charity. This year we will be supporting the mental health charity, Mind and Zoe’s Place Baby Hospice.

What is the National Student Survey?

The National Student Survey is an annual UK survey of final year undergraduate students. It is commissioned by the Office for Students (OfS) and administered by independent research agency Ipsos.  The survey is part of a quality assurance system to generate more detailed information about University education in the UK.

It asks questions on a range of areas including teaching, learning opportunities, academic support, marking and assessment, organisation and management, learning resources and student voice.

The results and feedback help universities make changes and improvements, as well as giving prospective students information which can help them decide where and what to study.

For more information about the NSS, please visit our feedback webpages.