
University to develop clinical research training

The University of Liverpool has been awarded £1.4 million by the National Institute for Health Research for an extra 30 students on its Master of Research (MRes) in Health Sciences.

The three-year project follows a successful bid by the University’s School of Health Sciences and School of Population, Community and Behavioural Sciences. 10 MRes places will now be available each year, aimed at Nurses, Midwives, and Allied Health Professionals working within the NHS who wish to develop their research skills and successful applicants will receive full salary replacement costs and course fees.

Dr Diane Scutt, Director of Postgraduate Research for the University’s School of Health Sciences, said: “We are delighted to hear that we have been successful in securing funding for an extra thirty places on our Master of Research degree over the next three years. The School of Health Sciences already had an established MRes programme but we can now look to improve and strengthen our postgraduate scheme.

“The primary objective is to ensure that students can plan, manage and execute research projects in a rigorous and scientific manner. They will also develop appropriate technical and practical research skills together with an in-depth understanding of current specialist knowledge in their chosen field.   

“This is an exciting opportunity for the University to work with the NHS in developing the professional and transferable skills appropriate for research in a patient-centred, knowledge-intensive NHS.”

Recruitment for the MRes programme will be advertised in June 2009 for commencement in September 2009. 


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