Vice-Chancellor hosts lunch for long-service staff


Staff at the long service luncheon

Professional Services staff who have given 25 and 40 years’ service to the University were honoured with a lunch given by the Vice-Chancellor.

Back row (l to r) Stuart Gillies, School of Clinical Sciences (40 years) ; Michael Jones, School of Veterinary Sciences; Ian Harris, Computing Services Department; Robert Galvin, Biosurgical Unit; Derek Gardener, Cancer Studies (40 years) and Chris Hunt, Earth and Ocean Sciences.

Middle row (l to r) Peter Walton, Gardener (40 years); Sandra Mather, Graphics, Geography (40 years); Gill Marsden, Centre for Lifelong Learning; Christine Yavari, School of Veterinary Sciences and Frank Doran, Department of Chemistry (40 years).

Front Row (l to r) Jane Woods, School of Biological Sciences, Sue Hennessey, Student Administration & Support Division; Sue Davies, Health Sciences; Vice-Chancellor; Lady Sheila Newby; Helen Mahon, Finance; Linda Greatwich, School of Veterinary Sciences and Jean Ellis, Department of Chemistry.

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