Acclaimed actor and director Janet Suzman, who is currently directing Antony and Cleopatra at the Liverpool Playhouse, has visited the School of English to conduct a workshop with students.
The workshop was part of a new initiative launched by the School in conjunction with the Everyman and Liverpool Playhouse. The sessions aim to provide insight into the creative processes involved in bringing a piece of theatre from the page to the stage. Other workshops in the series include a session led by the Director of Young Everyman and Playhouse, Chris Meads.
The collaboration with the School will also allow the theatres access to the University’s experts across a range of research areas to help inform the development of particular theatre productions.
Dr Nandini Das, from the School of English, said: “This workshop marks the beginning of a new phase in our relationship with the theatres. The students have attended a performance of Antony and Cleopatra as well as editing and theatre masterclasses as part of a series of ‘live’ events that aim to bring creative thinking and dynamic practice into our English courses, adding an extra dimension beyond the words on the page.”