
Paper produced to help travellers identify ticks


(a) Ambyomma hebreaum, the Bont tick (b) A. maculatum, the Gulf coast tick (c) A. americanum, the Lone star tick. (d) A. cajenennse (e) mouthparts and (f) position of anal groove.

The first study recording all varieties of ticks found on travellers has been published.

Travel and Disease Vector Ticks by Dr John McGarry from the School of Veterinary Science has been published in Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease.

Dr McGarry said: “Ticks are really associated with animals but some species will dig into the human skin using their mouthparts to suck blood over several days. They are second only to mosquitoes in the variety of diseases they can transmit.”

The article explains how to recognise the different types that occur in various regional biotypes of the world, including the UK, and describes the specific disease risks they pose.

He continued: “Aristotle described ticks as ‘disgusting parasitic animals’ and I am sure travellers returning home with these souvenirs agree!”

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