
Viewpoint: Peppa Pig good for kids

Peppa Pig

Children’s television programme Peppa Pig was criticised by parents who suggested the show encouraged bad behaviour, but Dr Simon Child thinks otherwise.

Contributors to some parenting websites said Peppa’s love of jumping in muddy puddles, and her brother, George’s propensity for chocolate cake, made their children naughty.

But Dr Simon Child, from the Department for Experimental Psychology, told Radio Merseyside that the positive activity in the show far outweighs the negative.

Dr Child said: “These negative instances, like splashing in puddles or asking for chocolate cake for breakfast, are very much in isolation relative to the number of prosocial behaviours children come across.

“On balance the vast majority of programmes are good for children. If they are to model their behaviours in most instances it is positive behaviour. It’s just important for parents to make their children aware of the negative consequences of say, eating fatty or sugary foods, and make clear that the consequences aren’t good by eating healthy foods themselves.”

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