
PhD student wins poster prize at IAVS

Rob Lewis award

Rob (second left) at a cultural temple stay in South Korea before the conference

A final year PhD student in the School of Environmental Sciences has won a prize for best poster at the International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS) in Mokpo, South Korea.

Rob Lewis is a CASE (Co-operative Awards in Science and Engineering) student jointly with the James Hutton Institute in Aberdeen and is funded by Scottish Natural Heritage.

Rob’s poster entitled Identifying multi-scale spatial structure of plant community determinants on a national scale, is centred on his work with the Machair communities of the western Isles and has involved considerable idyllic fieldwork.

Rob received a certificate and 1,000 Euros to help fund attendance at future meetings of IAVS, and he is already looking forward to Estonia 2013.

Professor Rob Marrs, one of his academic supervisors, said: “We were delighted with the award as the competition was fierce and it clearly identified the high quality of Rob’s research.”

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