
Barkla lecture on tropical disease

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Professor Charles Barkla

The President of the Brazilian Council for Scientific and Technological Development, Professor Glaucius Oliva, will deliver a lecture on parasitic tropical diseases.

Barkla Lecture
Professor Barkla was born in 1877 and studied mathematics and physics at the University of Liverpool, graduating with First Class Honours. He returned to the University as a physics lecturer in 1902 and later accepted a Chair in Natural Philosophy at the University of Edinburgh, where he remained until his death in 1944. He was awarded the 1917 Nobel Prize for Physics for his investigations into X-rays, in which he demonstrated that X-radiation could be regarded as similar to ordinary light.

Professor Oliva is based at the University of Sí£o Paulo and his main research interest is structural biology and its application in drug design and discovery, with particular focus on parasitic infectious tropical diseases that affect developing countries.

The Barkla lecture, From Structural Biology to Brazilian Science, is on Thursday, 9 May at 2pm in the Life Sciences Building. To book tickets, please visit the events website.




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