
Is the dichotomy of science and arts subjects misplaced?

The Eleanor Rathbone Theatre was the venue for the latest in the Science and Society Lecture Series.

Professor Greg Petsko, Professor of Biochemistry & Chemistry, Member, US National Academy of Sciences, Brandeis University, USA, delivered a passionate, compelling and stimulating lecture arguing the necessity of breadth in a university education.

He asserted that the dichotomy of science and arts subjects was misplaced and that breadth of education, coupled with investment in research and teaching that stretched beyond that which could be easily linked to industry demands, was vital for a flourishing global society.

The next lecture in the series is on Tuesday 8 October. Women in science by Professor Lesley Yellowlees MBE, Vice-Principal and Head, College of Science and Engineering at the University of Edinburgh and President of the Royal Society of Chemistry is at 5.30pm in the Leggate Theatre, Victoria Gallery & Museum.

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