Geographer appointed to Natural England Science Advisory Committee


Professor Janet Hooke, Professor of Physical Geography in the Department of Geography and Planning, has been appointed to the Natural England’s Science Advisory Committee (NESAC).

Natural England is the Government agency established to ensure that the natural environment is conserved, enhanced and managed for the benefit of present and future generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.


Its purposes include promoting nature conservation and protecting biodiversity; conserving and enhancing the landscape; securing the provision and improvement of facilities for the study, understanding and enjoyment of the natural environment; promoting access to the countryside, open spaces and encouraging open air recreation, and contributing in other ways to social and economic well being through management of the natural environment.

NESAC is an advisory committee to the Natural England Board and has an important role in providing advice, challenge and review to their Science and Evidence functions.

External adviser

Members collectively serve as an external adviser to Natural England in the areas of scientific expertise central to Natural England’s work and provide scrutiny of their evidence programme and key priority programmes, including the development of new methodologies for analysis and use of evidence.

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