
European Research Council (ERC) source to share best practice

The outgoing Secretary General of the European Research Council (ERC) is to provide a keynote lecture for University staff, sharing insight on research funding opportunities offered by the ERC.

Professor Donald Dingwell will be speaking to staff at the Gallery, Foresight Centre, on Thursday 27 March 2013 and will explain ERC’s  evaluation procedures, future plans and also take questions.  This is the second of a series of planned events focused on ERC frontier research grants, which are made in any field of research and judged solely on research excellence of research projects and principal investigator.

Professor Dingwell is Director of the Department for Earth and Environmental Sciences, Chair of Mineralogy and Petrology and Research Professor for Experimental Volcanology at the Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich.

The ERC was set up in 2007 to stimulate basic research in Europe. Since then it has regularly awarded generous long-term grants to outstanding researchers, based on a highly competitive selection procedure.

This event is free and open to all staff and runs from 3-4pm with refreshments from 2.30pm.

Earlier the same day, there will be a workshop on ERC Starting Grants, aimed at Early Career Researchers (2-7 yrs post PhD),  which includes an  overview of the scheme and strategy at Liverpool and personal perspectives from researchers  (1 – 2.30pm).

For more information or to register your attendance at either or both sessions, please e-mail Andy Farquhar, Strategic Projects Manager at by Monday 24th March 2014.




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