The University of Liverpool’s ‘Beyond Nature and Nurture’ MOOC, which offers the latest thinking on mental health issues, will begin a second run of the programme next week.
The free, on-line course, led by Professor Peter Kinderman and developed as part of The Open University’s FutureLearn initiative, helps learners understand differences of opinion in mental health through interaction with other learners
It is delivered over a six-week period through a series of films, essays, articles and surveys that learners can discuss and debate on the programme’s forums.
The course attracted more than 27,000 learners in its first run and was rated as `Excellent’ by 89% of learners who completed it.
Learners commented that it helped them understand their own mental health, whilst others stated that it helped them confirm their desire to persue a career in psychology and mental health fields.
To register for ‘Beyond Nature and Nurture’ click here:
Watch the trailer to find out more about`Beyond Nature and Nurture’: