
Widening Participation launches ‘Merseyside Young Medics’ programme

This month the Widening Participation and Outreach team delivered it’s first event ‘Merseyside Young Medics’ event, a programme designed to work with local secondary school students who are interested in a career in medicine.

40 Year 9 students (13 years old) will be attending the campus several times over the next few years to develop their skills and add to their knowledge in medicine.

The project is jointly organised by the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences and the Student Society ‘EdMed’ who have designed the sessions and can give the students first-hand knowledge of life as a University medical student.

Inspiring careers in medicine

The first event focussed on the cardiovascular system, with similar sessions in respiration and gastroenterology to follow.

Students were enthused by the presentations and workshops, and in feedback 85% of students replied they were more interested in a job in the Healthcare profession as a result of the day. 94% saying they would like to attend the University in the future.

Students on the Merseyside Young Medics programme will revisit the campus again in April and June to complete this year’s programme.

If you wish to find out more information or get involved with Merseyside Young Medics, or any other Widening Participation initiative, please contact Emily Smailes at:

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