
Free general advice offered by Liverpool Law Clinic

The Liverpool Law Clinic’s next appointments for free general advice service will take place from mid October.

The contact form is now live on   for those wishing to make an enquiry.

The Clinic operates for a limited time during University term times. Liverpool Law Clinic does not give advice during an appointment  but instead students will research your legal issue and provide written advice by letter.

There are limits to what the law clinic we can offer for clients for the general legal advice service.  Clients will be offered an appointment of approximately 30 minutes with Student Advisors in the presence of a supervisor who is legally qualified.  The students will ask questions and take information about your circumstances during the appointment.  After the appointment students will prepare a letter of legal advice, which is checked and approved by their supervisor.  The letter will be sent to clients within about 3 weeks of the appointment.

The law clinic is unable to conduct litigation, prepare documents, or otherwise represent you as we do not have the resources or expertise internally to do so.  Please bear this in mind when considering whether the law clinic will meet your needs and whether you wish to request an appointment.

The Clinic is part of the University of Liverpool but cannot advise where there is a conflict of interest, for example the clinic cannot advise a person about a dispute with the University or one of its subsidiaries.

Please visit our limitations page for further information:

Visit the Liverpool Law Clinic at:

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