
Computer Scientists `In Conversation’ about Robotics at Tate Liverpool

Cécile B. Evans: Sprung a Leak 2016 Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Emanuel Layr, Vienna

Professors Michael Fisher and Karl Tuyls from the University of Liverpool’s Centre for Autonomous Systems Technology (CAST) will be discussing the future of human and machine collaboration in the company of artist, Cécile B. Evans, at Tate Liverpool this weekend.

Along with researchers from the Department of Computer Science, they provided programming knowledge, skills and expertise to help produce Sprung a Leak, an art installation by London-based artist Cécile B. Evans, which is currently exhibiting at Tate Liverpool.

Sprung a Leak features two humanoid robots and a robot dog performing in the gallery. The multi-dimensional installation explores the movement of data, artificial intelligence, and the possibilities of collaboration between humans and raises questions about the influence that new technologies have on people.

Professor Michael Fisher, Director of the University’s Centre for Autonomous Systems Technology (CAST), said: “This session is an opportunity to share our knowledge and thoughts with the public about how humans and robots can interact, and what the future might look like.”

`In Conversation’ with Michael Fisher and Karl Tuyls is a free event taking place on Saturday, 4 February, from 3 to 4pm, at Tate Liverpool in the Albert Dock. To book a place please visit this webpage

The collaboration between the University and Tate Liverpool is the result of a new three year partnership agreement to develop a more strategic, deeper partnership and introduce new ways of working together that will increase impact, reach and scope.

CAST  is a University interdisciplinary research activity bringing together researchers from computer science, engineering, electrical engineering & electronics, philosophy, psychology, and law.

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