
New podcast – 5 minutes on birth dates and mental health

Dr Praveetha Patalay

Dr Praveetha Patalay

A special episode in a new and sporadic series of shorter University of Liverpool podcasts called “5 minutes on…” has now been launched and is available to download, review and subscribe on Blubrry and Tunein.

From time to time these shorter podcasts will be released between our regular in-depth episodes which come out every two weeks.

This week’s shorter podcast is ‘5 minutes on….birth dates and mental health’ in which Dr Praveetha Patalay walks us through research that shows how children’s mental health can be affected by their date of birth.

Dr Patalay is a Lecturer in Population Mental Health and Child Development at the University’s Institute of Psychology, Health and Society. She has numerous awards and distinctions for her research including recently being selected as a Top 30 under 30 in Science and Healthcare for Forbes Magazine.

Like our full length podcasts each episode of ‘5 minutes on…’ will feature one or more of our academic experts discussing research in their specialist field. The podcasts, which have been produced in collaboration with the University of Liverpool online programmes team, are intended to provide a quick route to insider knowledge on new trends and upcoming key issues.

The series, hosted by Canadian journalist and producer Neil Morrison, features in depth conversations.

If you would like to contact our podcast with feedback or suggestions for future recordings please e-mail

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