Oxford Professor and Technical Director of UK Climate Impacts Programme (UKCIP), Professor Roger Street, is to host a lecture as part of the University of Liverpool’s Open Lecture Series in Risk and Uncertainty.
The lecture, entitled ‘The value of uncertainty in decision making: challenges and lessons learnt from addressing climate change’, will take place at the Leggate Theatre in the Victoria Gallery & Museum on Wednesday, 14 June at 5.30pm.
The talk will explore the draw on scholarship and practices related to decision-making, and explore the value of including uncertainty in decision making, drawing on examples from climate change.
Registration for the event is open to all. Attendees can register by visiting: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/university-open-lecture-series-on-risk-roger-street-uk-climate-impacts-programme-tickets-33956987263
For more information on the Open Lecture Series on Risk and Uncertainty, please visit: https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/risk-and-uncertainty/risklectureseries/