
Event: Why are people fascinated by robots?

 A leading expert on Artificial Intelligence, Professor Kerstin Dautenhahn, will consider people’s attraction to robots at a lecture being held in the University’s Victoria Gallery & Museum.

Professor Dautenhahn’s talk will address the differences between biological and artificial creatures and how the common perception of robots as “persons” can be misleading and raise expectations about what they are able to do.

She will also discuss the view which focuses on robots’ machine-like qualities and functionalities and the promising applications that can benefit society for example assisting older people in their own homes.

The lecture `A Fatal Attraction?  Why people are fascinated by robots, and what to do about it’ takes place on Monday, 19th June 2017, 5 -7.30pm in the Leggate Theatre at the Victoria Gallery & Museum. Refreshments and demonstrations are available from 5pm, and the lecture starts at 6pm. The event is free but registration is essential.

Professor Dautenhahn, from the University of Hertfordshire, has published extensively on AI and robots and has made frequent media appearances commenting on this area.

The event is part the `Robotics in Society’ public lecture series organised by the Department of Computer Science.


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