
Suggestions sought for University Podcast series

Headphone and mic

Since the launch of the University of Liverpool Podcast back in March this year it has had over 10,000 downloads, appeared in the top ten Higher Education Podcasts on iTunes numerous times and amassed listeners in seven countries.

The University has experts in a wide range of academic fields and we want to know the subjects you would like us to examine in the future.

The podcasts, which are released every two weeks on a Tuesday (the next being Tuesday, 5 September), aim to bring listeners closer to some of the academic experts, authors and innovative thinkers from the University who, through their in-depth analyses, research and discoveries are effecting positive change in the world today.

Key issues

The series, hosted by Canadian journalist and producer Neil Morrison, features in depth conversations with our academic experts discussing research in their specialist field.

Your host Neil Morrison

The podcasts, which have been produced in collaboration with the University of Liverpool online programmes team, are intended to provide a quick route to insider knowledge on new trends and upcoming key issues.

In the last six months the podcasts have highlighted many interesting facts including:

•         The University has a machine that can smell cancer (Episode 1)
•         Your mental health can be affected by your date of birth (5 minutes on…)
•         Liverpool didn’t always love The Beatles (Episode 2)
•         The anti-drug motto ‘Just say No!’ doesn’t work (Episode 4)
•         Driverless cars will need to have ‘morals’ to be effective (Episode 6)
•         A ¼ of all the show dogs at Crufts were overweight (Episode 12)
•         Psychopaths make up 1% of the general population (Episode 8)
•         Tough ‘Jack Bauer’ type interrogations of suspects are ineffective (Episode 11)

Intellectual adventure

Neil Morrison, said: “One of the main aims for us creating this series was to take listeners on an intellectual adventure and share stories of innovation and discovery. We hope to create conversations that people want to be a part of and that they want to share with others.

“To help us to continue to do this we want to know the subjects or topics that you want to hear about. Your suggestions can be as specific or as broad as you like.

“We love feedback and reviews as we trust the opinion of our listeners. If you’re happy, we’re happy!

“If you have a moment, please subscribe and rate our podcast on Apple Podcasts. This helps increase our visibility and listenership.”

Please send any suggestions or feedback through to, add them to your Apple Podcasts review or tweet @LivUniNews with the hashtag #podcast.

All our podcasts can be found on the following platforms; iTunes, Blubrry, Tunein and RadioPublic. 

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