
New Podcast – The Future of healthcare is ‘personal’

Personalised Medicine

Our latest podcast examines the future of healthcare specifically the creation of more ‘tailored’ or ‘personalised’ medicines for individuals and is now available to download, review and subscribe on RadioPublic, iTunes, Tunein and Blubrry.

Personalised medicine is a type of medical care in which treatment is customised for an individual patient and is a move away from a ‘one size fits all’ approach to the treatment and care of patients with a particular condition. This new approach uses new approaches and a patient’s genetic code to better manage their health and targets therapies to achieve the best outcomes in the management of a patient’s disease or predisposition to disease.

According to Professor Sir Munir Pirmohamed from the University’s Institute of Translational Medicine by combining and analysing information about our complete set of DNA (Genome), with other clinical and diagnostic information, patterns can be identified that can help to determine our individual risk of developing disease; detect illness earlier; and, determine the most effective interventions to help improve our health, be they medicines, lifestyle choices, or even simple changes in diet.

A good thing

Sir Munir, who is also Consultant Physician at the Royal Liverpool University Hospital, holds the only NHS Chair in Pharmacogenetics in the UK and is Director of the Medical Research Council’s Centre for Drug Safety Sciences.

Sir Munir suggests healthcare is set to get a lot more personal and that’s a good thing.

You can listen to the podcast here or by following the links above.

Positive change

The podcasts aim to bring listeners closer to some of the academic experts, authors and innovative thinkers from the University who, through their in-depth analyses, research and discoveries are affecting positive change in the world today.

The series, hosted by Canadian journalist and producer Neil Morrison, features in depth conversations with one or more of our academic experts discussing research in their specialist field.

The podcasts, which have been produced in collaboration with the University of Liverpool online programmes team, are intended to provide a quick route to insider knowledge on new trends and upcoming key issues.


Other episodes available include; ‘Why respect gets results during interrogations’, ‘Help! Is my child a Psychopath?’, ‘The Business of Football’, ‘Who will tell the robots what to do?’, ‘Big Data and the search for MH370’,  ‘Suzi Gage on ‘Say Why to Drugs’, ‘Nano-medicine shrinks the cost of HIV treatment’, ‘Liverpool – Cradle of the Beatles’, ‘Follow your nose’ and ‘Why do we love mermaids?’

If you would like to contact our podcast with feedback or suggestions for future recordings please e-mail

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