
Podcast: The not-so paleo diet

In our latest podcast we take a closer look at the origins of one of the most popular diets of the moment – the paleo diet.

The basic idea behind the so called ‘caveman’ diet is to eat what Paleolithic humans ate between 2.5 million and 10,000 years ago . According to Paleo diet advocates, this is supposed to mean staying away from things like grains, legumes and certain vegetables.

Yet, according to Dr Ceren Kabukcu, an archaeology fellow at the Department of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology, the Paleo Diet doesn’t have a much in common with what humans actually ate during the Paleolithic Era.

To find out more you can listen to the podcast by following the links below:

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Our podcasts are produced in collaboration with the University of Liverpool online programmes team, hosted by Canadian journalist and producer Neil Morrison, we aim to bring listeners closer to some of our academic experts, authors and innovative thinkers who are affecting positive change in the world today. Visit our podcast page to learn more.

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