
7 top tips for a safe night out

Liverpool skyline and Metropolitan cathedral

Although Liverpool is a relatively safe place to live and study, Merseyside Police have asked that students take extra care on getting home after a night out. The advice comes after men who have been drinking and walking home alone have been targeted.

To help you and your friends stay safe while enjoying a night out, we wanted to remind everyone – regardless of gender – of these seven key safety tips:

  1. Plan your journey home before you set off. Pre-book a taxi, or arrange a lift with a non-drinker. Perhaps even select one of your group to be the designated driver.
  2. Remember to use a licensed taxi or black cab. Don’t hitch-hike or accept lifts from strangers.
  3. There is safety in numbers – don’t wander off on your own. If you do have to walk home, walk with friends and try to stick to main roads that are well populated, even if it means taking a longer alternative route. Avoid poorly lit areas.
  4. Drink responsibly – You are far more vulnerable when you are drunk, especially if you are on your own. Try and stay with a group of friends. Eat before you go out, and try to alternate alcoholic drinks with soft drinks or water. Know your limits and stay in control. Find out more about Drink Less Enjoy More.
  5. Travel sensibly – listening with headphones or talking on the phone reduces your awareness of what’s around you.
  6. If you need to withdraw cash, try to do it in the day, when there are more people about and only take out what you need. Make sure you protect your PIN. If you do need to withdraw cash late at night, use a machine in a well-lit area and stay with friends.
  7. Attract help if you need it – If you feel threatened, make as much noise as possible to  identify yourself in order to warn off the individual and to attract help from others.

Campus Support Services

The Campus Support Team is on campus 24-hours a day, seven days a week, undertaking a variety of measures to maintain a safe and secure environment.

The Campus Support Services offer a 24/7 chaperone service and will escort you around the University campus to ensure you feel safe while on our site. To request this service, please contact the control room by calling: 0151 794 3252.

If you would like more property or personal safety advice, please contact the control room (0151 794 3252). Campus Support will make arrangements to meet you and provide you with further advice.

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