The University is to introduce an ethical investment policy which will see the exclusion of a large number of tobacco, arms and fossil fuel companies from its investment portfolio.
The policy has been developed in partnership with the Guild of Students and supports Strategy 2026 which places ethics and integrity at the heart of the University’s decision-making.
Socially responsible
The policy commits the University to investing its funds on a socially responsible basis with due regard to environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues. It adopts both the UN Principles for Responsible Investment to better align investors with the broader objectives of society and the UN Global Compact principles focusing on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
Nicola Davies, Director of Finance, said: “Our aim with this new policy is to focus on active engagement with the companies that we invest in, enabled through our fund managers. We have also committed to divesting from certain types of investments that are not aligned with our ESG principles.
“I’d like to thank the Guild for their work and insight which has made a huge contribution to the development of the policy.”
Investment exclusions
The University has not invested in companies that manufacture tobacco for a number of years.
The Ethical Investment Policy increases the number of exclusions to its £240m global investment portfolio and requires Fund Managers to be fully compliant by the end of July 2019. The list of exclusions includes:
• Companies that manufacture tobacco products
• Companies that derive more than 10% of their revenue from thermal coal or tar sands
• Companies that derive more than 10% of their revenue from the manufacture or sale of armaments
• Companies engaged in testing of cosmetic and non-pharmaceutical products on animals except where it is mandatory
• Companies that derive more than 10% of their revenue from the sale of tobacco products
The University’s ethical investment policy can be found here > https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/governance/governing-documents/