
University awarded for “Career Service Best Practice” in China

Xiaobei Wu, International Employer Engagement Officer at the University of Liverpool Management School receiving the award on behalf of the University. 

The University has been awarded the “University Career Service Best Practice” title at the 2019 Global University Career Development Conference (GUCDC) conference.

The conference, which took place in Qing Dao, a major city in China’s Shandong Province, was attended by Xiaobei Wu, International Employer Engagement Officer at the University of Liverpool Management School.  Xiaobei received the award on behalf of the careers team.

The award is part of the conference’s “China Career Development Awards” and winners are decided based on whether they are a preferred university for organisations to recruit from, as well as the strength of their influence in Chinese enterprises.  Only 8 universities out of 1,300 within the Global University China Career Union (GUCCU) database have won this award.

The conference host at GUCCU, commented: “The Careers & Employability team at the University of Liverpool has a strong commitment to students’ employment, and is actively engaged in employment training for your students. The university demonstrate world leading professionalism and has a good reputation and is recognised widely within the recruitment industry in China. At the same time, the graduates of your university are also widely praised by Chinese enterprises.”

Xiaobei Wu, said: “It is a great honour to receive this recognition of our team’s hard work in supporting our Chinese students. The positive feedback from both students and the industry side also proved that our practice is effective, and we shall carry on delivering high quality service to our students.”

Xiobei also delivered the key-note speech ‘Connect the Dots, Prepare Our Students for Future Work’ to international student career service colleagues from over 40 universities cross the world and received very positive feedback on the conference.

For further information about the work of the Career and Employability team, please visit:

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