Staff invited to Drug Administration and Delivery workshop

Personalised Medicine

The Industrial Strategy team has organised an all-day workshop on Friday 12 July to address the development of innovative new diagnostic tools, medical products and treatments.

The Drug Administration and Delivery workshop, chaired by Professor Steve Rannard and Professor Rachel Williams, will bring together multi-disciplinary academics and relevant professional services staff to identify how our University can help meet challenges presented by the Government’s Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund ‘From data to early diagnosis and precision medicine’ challenge.

Professor Rachel Williams, Chair of the Industrial Strategy Steering Group, said: “This is an opportunity to hear the real challenges encountered by our clinicians on a daily basis and come up with potential solutions to address these.

“The Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund is UKRI’s flagship challenge-led innovation programme. It aims to bring together business with the UK’s world-leading research base to meet the major industrial and societal challenges of our time.

“There will be pump-priming funding available from the workshop to help new partnerships become established and ready to meet future ISCF calls. We welcome academics from all disciplines.”

A programme for this event is detailed below. For more information and to register click here.


09.30 – 10.00 Registration and Refreshments

Morning session (chair Professor Steve Rannard)

10.00 Introduction and opening address – Professor Wiebe Van der Hoek
10.15 Morning session topic summaries: Drug administration and delivery challenges
• Paediatrics drug administration (presented by Dr Dan Hawcutt)
• Clinical/infectious diseases (presented by Professor Saye Khoo)
• Pancreatitis (presented by Professor Robert Sutton)
11.15 Refreshments
11.30 Morning topics brainstorming sessions
12.45 Morning session review
13.00 Lunch break

Afternoon session (chair Professor Rachel Williams)

14.00 Introduction to the afternoon session – Professor Malcolm Jackson
14.15 Afternoon session topic summaries: Drug administration and delivery challenges
• Melanoma (presented by Professor Sarah Coupland)
• Critical care/sepsis (presented by Dr Ingeborg Welters)
• Ageing (presented by Dr Asangaedem Akpan)
15.15 Afternoon topics brain storming sessions
16.15 Afternoon session feedback, workshop wrap-up and close

Click here for more information on the University’s engagement with the Government’s Industrial Strategy