
Staff and students host Public Engagement activities at Bluedot Festival

Staff and students from the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences have taken part in this year’s Bluedot Festival at Jodrell Bank.

Over 20,000 people attended the Festival which featured a diverse programme including music performances from the likes of Kraftwerk and New Order, live science experiments and expert talks.

Staff and students from the Faculty ran a range of activities including; the Super Human Body, where people could discover more about their immune system and DNA and craft their own super immune cell. The Institute of Infection and Global Health simulated an outbreak, spreading ‘Bluedot Fever’ throughout the Festival using stickers, tracking to see how far the infection spread! Whilst Psychology ran their ‘Portion Distortion’ activity, exploring people’s perceptions of what a standard portion size of both food and alcohol is.

Laura Winters, Faculty Public Engagement Officer said “The Festival was a brilliant opportunity for us to engage both adults and young people with some of the research happening here at the University and to reach new audiences. The staff and students involved worked really hard and we received some great feedback from the public. Bludot was a fantastic event to be part of and we hope to be involved again next year!”

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