
Graduating? Register today to access your degree certificate and your HEAR

If you are graduating this December (huge congratulations!) you need to register on the University of Liverpool Graduation Portal.

The Portal will let you access and share your electronic degree certificate and, if you’re an undergraduate or postgraduate taught student, you’ll also be able to access and share your Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR).my liverpool

To register, check your University email account – our student administration and Support team have sent you an email today. Use the link in this email to register for the Graduation Portal.

You will need to provide the following security information during registration:

It will only take you a couple of minutes, after which time you will be able to access your account. You will not be able to access your documents until after your graduation ceremony has taken place and you have received an e-mail to say the service is available.

After graduation, you will be able to share your HEAR electronically, in a secure way, with potential employers, employment agencies and other universities.

What is my HEAR?

Your HEAR is your Higher Education Achievement Report. It’s a comprehensive record of all your University achievements and replaces the traditional printed academic transcript and Diploma Supplement. It will include your degree classification, module marks, and any academic prizes and awards you have received. It will also document information about some of the more substantial co- and extra-curricular activities that you took part in during your studies at the University of Liverpool.

Your HEAR will be automatically populated by the University, although you will be emailed with the opportunity to choose which of your co- and extra-curricular activities are added.

You can find out more about your HEAR via the Student Administration and Support webpages. If you have any questions about your HEAR, you’ll find the contact details for teams who can help you via the HEAR webpages.

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