The Sport Liverpool community has been coming together for many years to support the Movember Foundation, with a particular focus on helping to raise awareness of prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health. This year’s campaign had a specific focus for both the team and one staff member.
Sylvenus, known to many as Ven is an alumnus now working in the Fitness Suite as a Fitness Consultant. Ven wanted to not only grow a moustache this November but wanted to shave his head to reduce the stigma and get the conversation started about mental health.
During the month, Ven took over the Sport Liverpool social media accounts for a live question and answer session. This allowed students to ask Ven any questions about his personal journey or ask advice. This was also an opportunity for Ven to sign post students to the great services the University have to offer and some of which Ven has experienced using in the past.
Ven said of the campaign “The principal reasoning behind shaving my head for Movember was to ‘Show my mind’ and raise awareness for men’s mental health. This will hopefully encourage other men to brave talking about theirs in order to stop the biggest killer of men under 45. Suicide. One way we can combat this together is to make it easier for men to come forward. We can do this through encouragement, supporting those with mental health by talking about it a whole lot more. With destroying the stigma around men’s mental health ‘that it’s a sign of weakness’, its ‘unmanly’ and men shouldn’t talk about their problems and emotions, hopefully more men will reach out for the help they need and we can put a stop to suicide. – ‘Its ok to not be ok’.”
Director of Sport, Andy Craig praised Ven’s efforts to raise awareness about men’s health. Andy said ‘Ven has done a brilliant job in helping to support a nationwide effort to support the growing challenge of men’s mental health. It was courageous enough of Ven to brave a full head shave but to bare his soul and share his own personal experience first as a student here and now as a member of University staff really was a real boost for the campaign. I’m delighted that the efforts of the Sport Liverpool team, clubs, and Ven in particular, have been rewarded not only with the added exposure on social media but also a phenomenal amount of money raised for the Movember charity.”
So far Vens efforts and our Sport Liverpool clubs who have been taking part in Movember have raised close to £8,500. There is still time to donate. Head over to our social media pages to find the link and help support men’s health https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/sportliverpool
Students struggling with mental health or who need further advice and guidance can find more information on the University student services website – https://student.liverpool.ac.uk/advice-and-guidance/