As with all areas of the University, The Academy are rapidly responding to the new reality presented by the COVID-19 pandemic by moving their support, facilitation and portfolio of development opportunities online. The Academy’s aim is to ensure that they continue to support colleagues in this new environment, helping to develop effective ways of working, teaching, leading and collaborating.
The Academy’s development remit covers all aspects of practice at the University and in each of the areas below, The Academy are now rapidly converting existing provision to online delivery, signposting to external web-based content Staff may find helpful and commissioning new opportunities that will be brought to you over the coming weeks:
- Learning & teaching development programmes
- Researcher development activities, resources and networks
- Academic development awards, recognition schemes and networks
- Professional, career and skills development
- Leadership and management development
- The Prosper Project
- Equality & Diversity
- Wellbeing
If members of staff have creative ideas or expertise that will help The Academy support a wider range of colleagues, or have new topics they would like to see The Academy support, please get in touch at theacademy@liverpool.ac.uk.
Frequently Asked Questions
For those of you already engaged in development activities and wondering what your next steps are, The Academy have streamlined their response to your questions and created a FAQs page on their intranet site. This will be constantly updated as further questions emerge and as The Academy refine and launch each element of their redeveloped offer.
The FAQs explain how The Academy are now delivering all of their in-year academic, professional and leadership programmes online. You can find the FAQs here: https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/intranet/the-academy/coronavirus-faqs/
Online Development
The Academy have provided a comprehensive overview of their current online provision, for those Staff looking to engage in new development activities, participate for the first time in a development programme or enhance existing skills. The overview provides links to where Staff can enrol, download resources, find more information or access externally hosted, free materials to support professional learning and will be added to over the coming weeks.
To view the full list of the online provision available for staff please click here.
The Academy are available to support individuals and teams across the University. If you have additional questions or would like to discuss issues related to your development, please email theacademy@liverpool.ac.uk.