
Academy Developing Practice Series: Discussing Small Group Teaching

The latest interactive workshop as part of the Academy Developing Practice Series has been replaced by the provision of online learning resources.  The resources, including a short video tutorial, book chapters and journal articles, will explore the role of small group teaching and discuss the benefits and drawbacks of small groups for both academics and students.

The resources aim to identify ways in which tutorials can be more active and techniques that will encourage student participation.  There will be a focus on online small group teaching with an opportunity to meet with the workshop leaders remotely for any questions or reflections in response to the resources – this can be booked at a time to suit participants.

To receive these online learning resources please register on Core HR as usual and you will be sent the information on the day of the planned workshop.

When: Thursday, 16 April 2020.

Booking: Register on Core HR

About ADPS

The role of The Academy is to promote and enable organisational excellence through the strategic development of the University’s people and practices. One way that they achieve this is by providing opportunities for continuous professional development for individuals through their Academic CPD Academy Developing Practice Series (ADPS) of workshops, seminars and, at this time, online resources.

The Developing Practice Series covers a wide range of topics on learning and teaching in Higher Education. All colleagues are welcome to register for these workshops, which are currently replaced by the provision of online learning resources, by booking using the Core HR system.

Alternatively, staff can propose to lead a session themselves by emailing and including ‘Developing Practice Series’ is your title.  This could contribute to your own development and provide evidence towards your claim for Fellowship or Senior Fellowship of the HEA via ULTRA.

Future Workshops:

14th May 2020 12-2pm: Exploring the Role of Blended Learning

11th June 2020 12-2pm: Exploring Inclusive Practice


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