
New online module – Supporting PGR Student Mental Health for Supervisors

The university has launched a new online training module specifically for supervisors on ways to support PGR mental health and wellbeing. This module is designed to help all supervisors support their PGR students. It was not specifically designed for the current Covid19 crisis, but we hope it will be useful for many of you.

The university strongly encourages all supervisors to complete this training module and make full use of this resource as a tool-kit you can return to when needed for guidance and advice.

This module covers key stress factors for PGRs, how to spot the signs of poor mental health, how to take practical steps to help your PGR and how to deal with a mental health crisis. It also provides tips on creating a positive culture that promotes good mental health. It should take 35 minutes to complete.

The module can be accessed under 3 different areas, Staff can choose the module most relevant to them via the following links:

Role related training

Diversity and equality for Staff

Developing your role as a Research Degree Supervisor

If staff have any feedback about the module and how it can be made more useful, please contact the Liverpool Doctoral College.

This module was developed through the PGR wellbeing improvement project that piloted in the Institute of Integrative Biology, now being expanded across the university through the Liverpool Doctoral College. The work was funded by Research England and the Office for Students as part of a broader project to develop support, training, and development to better prepare and support PGR students and the supervisors, pastoral and peer led-groups who support them.

A further two modules are currently in production including: a module for Academic Advisors supporting undergraduate student mental health and a module for staff who are in non-supervisory or advisory roles, but who often provide support to students such as technicians, PDRAs and professional services staff.

For any questions or to find out more about the PGR wellbeing improvement project, please contact the Project Manager, Maizy Jenner.

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