
Keeping fit and exercising at home

To limit the spread of the COVID19 pandemic, the UK Government has imposed rules which only allow people to leave the house for very limited purposes.

This includes one form of exercise a day, like a run, walk or cycle, so it’s not surprising that we are having to get a bit more creative about how we get our daily dose of fitness.

Even if you’re not a regular gym-goer, exercise is vital for our mental and physical health – and even more so during this period of worry and isolation.

Here are some ideas to keep you moving:

Walking and running

You are still able to go outside for exercise, as long as you keep more than two metres away from other people and only go once a day. Using this time to go for a run or walk will provide exercise and also give a much-needed change of scenery.

If you’re a smart-watch owner you’re probably already tracking your steps to see how much (or little) exercise you’re doing. If you need a little push, download an app like Couch to 5K.

Use tech to make things interesting

If you’re lucky enough to have access to some high-tech equipment, now’s the time to take full advantage. You could try a video game like BoxVR – a boxing-inspired workout that makes use of a VR headset to place you in a virtual reality gym. Or if you have an exercise bike Zwift is a virtual reality app that will gamify your indoor exercise session, making it a lot more fun.

There are hundreds of  fitness apps available for your phone, some free, and others offering trial periods at no cost. Examples include, Daily Workouts and the Nike Training Club. There are also lots of free workouts to be found on YouTube, and you could join the millions of people who are exercising with Joe Wicks every week.

Low impact options

If you prefer something lower-impact then you could try some yoga or pilates using Asana Rebel or Yoga with Adrienne. You could also opt for a workout with the GS Method, or a body-weight exercise programme like Animal Flow. Another great free option is the NHS Fitness Studio with a range of 10 – 45 minute workouts created by fitness experts InstructorLive.

There really is something for everyone, depending on your fitness level, what you enjoy doing, and your goals.


Stay motivated with Sport Liverpool and #StayInWorkOut

Even with the best of intentions you may find your motivation flagging from time to time. It’s important to set goals, big and small. Routine is important too, and scheduling exercise for a regular time can help. Try first thing in the morning before the day’s distractions begin, or in the evening once you’ve finished studying.

To help keep motivation levels up, Sport Liverpool have launched a #StayInWorkOut campaign to create a sense of community where we can all encourage and support each other during this difficult time.

The team have created an online activity tracker where you can log any type of physical activity that you do during the COVID-19 lockdown. Follow @livunigym on Instagram for help, tips and advice about exercising during the lockdown.

You can also share your activities on social media using the hashtag #StayInWorkOut and tagging @sportliverpool @livunigym and @livuni to encourage others to get involved.

Click here to sign up.


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