
Blog: How to make the best of graduation in lockdown

Author, Nikita Mossman is a final year Law and Politics student at the University of Liverpool.

I’m sure everyone agrees with me that the current situation regarding the pandemic and graduation, isn’t ideal at all! Us final year students will miss out this year on taking the classic Instagram picture with our gowns, caps and certificates in front of the redbrick building, after our graduation ceremony. It’s something we all look forward to after three years of hard work.

However, looking on the bright side of life, this is possibly the most unique graduation the University will ever experience and I think it’s exciting that we are going to be part of that.

So, as we await our grand celebration, next year, back in Liverpool, I’m here to help you make your “Lockdown Graduation” amazing and something to remember (not that anyone would ever forget this tragic state of affairs really).

Look the part

Personally, I have been thinking about what I’d be wearing for my graduation before I even started uni. It’s a big deal.

Just because we’re stuck at home for our graduation, doesn’t mean we can’t wear that amazing outfit to our living room/back garden. Order that dress/suit. Whack on a full face of makeup and cover yourself in your favourite jewellery. Put your highest, most luxurious heels on. Think about it this way, if you were at a graduation ceremony, your feet would be absolutely killing in those heels, but at home, you can take them off whenever you like and swap them for your comfy slippers!

For the lads, get those suits out and give yourself a ‘quaran-trim’. If it goes wrong, it doesn’t matter because no one will be able to see it close up anyway, seeing as they need to keep their distance!

Use the day to make yourself look and feel fabulous again. I think we all need a ‘pick-me-up’ after these long few months indoors.

Make your own cap

I’m the least creative person to ever walk on this planet but you can’t have a graduation without the cap to throw in the air. Money is tight for all of us during this time so I’m going to teach you how to make a cheap as chips, graduation cap.

What you will need:

How to construct it:

  1. wrap the black paper/card around your head to measure how much you would need in order for it fit around your head from your ears upwards
  2. cut the paper/card to fit around your head (cut a bit extra so it gives you enough lee way for glue and extra cutting)
  3. cut the top of paper/card in order for it to not be any taller than your hair when it is resting on your ears
  4. stick the two sides of the paper/card together to create a cylinder shape
  5. cut a square out of the leftover paper/card that is slightly bigger than the circle of the cylinder you’ve just made
  6. put some glue around the cylinder rim and stick the square flat down onto it
  7. whilst that dries, it’s time to make a tassel. Get your string/wool and cut approx. 15-20 strands around 8inches each
  8. fold the string/wool in half an make a little knot at the top of the loop
  9. stick the knot into the middle of your square on your cap and WALLAH, you have a graduation cap!

Do something fun

The best part about graduation is being able to celebrate with your friends and family. Have a little social distanced garden party. Put the barbeque on, make some cocktails, even bake a graduation themed cake. You can still spend the day celebrating your achievements with the people you love.

Even if it’s not as drastic as a party, you could have a little pamper/movie day to sit and watch your favourites movies with your family and friends. You could order take-away in. Obviously, take necessary precautions and keep everything clean to keep everyone safe.

Make your day special with whatever makes you happy because you truly deserve it after completely your degree.

I hope this gives you some ideas as to how to enjoy your graduation at home! And, I just want to say congratulations to all the final year students who have now finished their degree and are graduating. You should be so incredibly proud of yourself.

We’d love to see what you get up to on your graduation day and if you would like to share it tag #LivUniGrad in your post.

The Class of 2020 Online Celebration Event takes place at 1pm on Friday, 17 July – find out more

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