If you are taking online alternative resit assessments this month, remember that the University’s examination rules still apply. We expect the highest level of academic integrity from every member of our community.
Alternative Assessments – rules and regulations to follow
To reflect the circumstances under which the alternative assessments are taking place, the University has adopted a modified set of existing assessment regulations, which we have based on the Guidelines for the application of the regulations to Class Tests (Annexe 1 of Regulations for the Conduct of Examinations: Appendix D of the Code of Practice on Assessment).
Key points
Cheating or other misconduct in alternative assessments is as serious as cheating or other misconduct in formal University examinations.
You should not:
- Make use of or copy material or the papers of another student
- Obtain or try to obtain, directly or indirectly, assistance in your work outside of that provided by your tutors
- Give or try to give, directly or indirectly, assistance to any other student
- Impersonate another student or knowingly allow yourself to be impersonated
You are expected to follow the University’s Academic Integrity Policy in any coursework or similar work submitted for assessment. This includes avoiding collusion, copying another person’s work or ideas (plagiarism), fabricating data or commissioning work which is then submitted as your own.
In the event that a module coordinator, when marking alternative assessments, suspects a student of having breached these Regulations, the matter may be referred for consideration under the University’s disciplinary procedures.
These regulations are required to protect the integrity and value of your degree that you are working hard towards.
Further information
If you have any queries about the arrangements for alternative assessments then please contact your academic department who will be happy to help you.
Don’t forget if you feel you are struggling or need to access help you can access all of the resources and services provided by KnowHow and Student Support.
Best of luck in your assessments!