
Prosper Postdoc Career Development Pilot – Applications now open

Today sees the launch of recruitment for Prosper’s first postdoc career development pilot.

A broad range of 50 University of Liverpool postdocs will join the pilot cohort in April 2021 and undertake development activity designed to enable them to explore multiple career pathways.

Participants will gain direct access to Prosper’s 40+ employer partners, as well as dedicated career coaches, to explore their skills and aspirations and how these align with the range of roles and sectors open to them as postdocs.

The pilot’s development activities have been carefully co-created with a range of employers including multinationals, SMEs, science and technology companies, arts organisations and charities including:

Unilever, IBM, SciTech Daresbury, Alderley Park, BioNow, Notch Communications, North West Business Leadership Team, National Museums Liverpool, Tate, The Reader, Good Things Foundation and Creative Industries Federation.

Applications are open now until Friday, 22 January.

More information on the pilot, including how to apply, eligibility and FAQs can be found on the Prosper webpages.

The team will also be holding informal drop-in information sessions throughout December and January when postdocs can ask their questions about joining the pilot.

Prosper is aimed at creating a new approach to postdoc career development that addresses traditional barriers to access. A diverse pilot cohort that represents the breadth of experiences and backgrounds in the postdoc community is key to ensuring that the final approach we develop is flexible, accessible and appealing to all postdocs.

To achieve this, applications are particularly welcomed from postdocs with protected characteristics and/or circumstances that may have impacted their access to development previously.

For more information about Prosper and the pilot, visit their webpages, get in touch with the team or follow them on Twitter.

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