
7 useful online wellbeing resources for students

The assessment period can be a particularly stressful time, but if you feel you are suffering from more than a bout of exam nerves, then extra support is available. You don’t need to struggle on your own, and the following services and resources are free and confidential for all students:

1. Student Support Services

Student Services offer comprehensive advice, support, and information on a wide range of non-academic issues including:

The team will be providing support through video (Microsoft Teams or Zoom), phone and email between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday.  Click here for contact details.

2. KnowHow workshops

The KnowHow team provide online academic support to help you to succeed in your studies. They of lots of useful advice to help prepare for online assessments, including:

Make the most of the support available to help with preparing for online assessments, as well as for advice on answering essay questions, developing time management strategies, and to access resources that can help in the lead up to assessments.

3. Self-help hub

The Student Services team have created a menu of self-help resources for a number of different topics including anxiety, depression, stress, imposter syndrome and sleep. The range of resources are designed to give you some ideas on what you can do to stop problems from escalating. Have a look and you may find an answer to your concern. For more information please click here.

4. Togetherall

Togetherall is a free mental health and wellbeing service that provides online support. It is a safe place to connect with others who are experiencing similar feelings, and there are trained professionals on hand 24/7. We ensure all members are anonymous to each other within the community.

It is totally anonymous, so no one will know you’ve chosen to use it unless you tell them. And, if sharing isn’t your thing, we have tools and courses to help you look after yourself, along with plenty of resources to explore.

More than three quarters of members feel better as a result of using the service. You can get support at any time of the day or night, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

5. Silvercloud self-help modules

The University has partnered with SilverCloud Health to offer a suite of free online self-help modules that is available to all students. The programme is based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, and will provide you with tools and techniques to help manage stress, anxiety and depression and bring balance into your life.

6. Student Minds

Student Minds is the UK’s student mental health charity. The charity empowers students and members of the University community to look after their own mental health, support others and create change.

Their website has a range of resources, including a guide on exam stress, mental health and wellbeing, and a support page for students affected by COVID-19.

7. Wellbeing reading list

The Library have created a full wellbeing reading list that includes everything from Mindfulness and meditation to Personal growth and skills development. All accessible through the University library online.

Reminder: How to get support if you need it

The Student Services team have collated a number of different resources to support everyone to stay safe and well during these extraordinary times. Networks you might find useful include The Samaritans, who offer a 24-hour helpline (116 123), and the Students Against Depression website.


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