
New strategy working towards a sustainable University

The University of Liverpool has launched a new Sustainability Strategy with community at its heart.

In line with the principles of the University’s Strategy 2026, the Sustainability Strategy states three broad aims for the institution – to achieve net zero carbon by 2035, reduce our waste by 50% by 2025 and for every student to undertake a sustainability-related module, extra-curricular activity, or learning as part of their programme.

In January 2020, the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dame Janet Beer, and President of the Guild of Students, Adnan Hussain, signed an accord committing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The strategy aims to help address all 17 of the UN SDGs, which were established by world leaders in 2015 to create a better world, end poverty, fight inequality and take action on climate change.

The Sustainability Strategy details seven themed working groups who will identify and implement actions to address these goals, as follows:

To help improve and conserve the ecological value of the University estate.

Built environment
Looking at how environment, sustainability and technology are considered in implementing the University’s Estate Masterplan.

Climate action
Identifying urgent action to adapt to and mitigate impact of climate change.

Culture and community
Ensure that environmental and social sustainability is embedded across the institution.

Responsible consumption and production
Promoting better resource efficiency on campus, including a whole life cycle approach.

Education for sustainable development
To develop and implement a programme that educates, activates and enables students, graduates and staff to make their contribution to a sustainable future.

Travel and transport
Replaces the Campus Accessibility group, ensuring equitable car parking management and sustainable travel initiatives.

Membership of all groups comprises academics, professional services, SLT representation and the Liverpool Guild of Students.

Colleagues and students are encouraged to contact the groups with sustainability views and ideas, by emailing stating the relevant working group name in the subject line.

Nicola Davies, Director of Finance and Chair of the Sustainability Board said: “The University of Liverpool is committed to building a more sustainable world for our staff, students, and whole society.  We believe through being responsible custodians of our estate, collaborating with our students, and through harnessing the enthusiasm of our staff, we can ensure the University is zero carbon by 2035, and meet our wider sustainability ambitions too.  In the launch of the sustainability strategy today we make a further step toward achieving our goals and set out how our whole community can play a part in building a more sustainable future.

“I’d like to thank colleagues James Coe, Syd Cottle and the Sustainability Team for the huge amount of work in pulling together this strategy, along with great input from the Sustainability Board.”

The full strategy is online here.

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