
Blog: How I keep healthy during lockdown

Author, Anjali Kalairajah is a 2nd year Law student and Peer Mentor at the University of Liverpool.

Lockdown has been difficult on everyone across the country, however, there are things, that as students, we can do to help make this period less stressful for ourselves.

Here are some of the things that I have been doing to keep up my mental health and to remain focused during this stressful time:

1. Baking

I love to express my creativity through baking for my family. If you are worried that baked goods are unhealthy, opt for healthier flours and sugar substitutes (eg almond and oat flour, honey and maple syrup)

2. Meditation

This was a new addition to my daily routine. It took a little while to get into at first, however, I noticed myself calming down and allowing myself to be more present.

3. Exercise

I recently discovered my love for Pilates! I love to mix up Pilates and more intense HIIT. I find that following YouTube videos gives me greater accountability and motivation. I find that working out is more sustainable if you love the workouts that you do and you do a range of different workouts.

4. Reading

After many years, I resumed reading during lockdown. This helps me wind down at night instead of watching Netflix! After staring at my laptop, studying, all day, this is a much-needed break for my eyes.

5. Diet

I find that maintaining a healthier diet gives me more energy during the day and helps me feel more balanced overall. This involves plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, water and home-cooking.

6. Family and Friends

For me, maintaining connections with my friends and family, despite not being able to physically see them, has really helped me on more difficult days. It is helpful to have people that you can comfortably talk to.

I really hope that some of these tips resonate with you and can give you some inspiration into some tips into keeping healthy. Remember not to neglect your mental health and your diet- they are so important!

Don’t forget that the Peer Mentor Scheme is also here to help you. All you need to do is reach out to a Peer Mentor, such as myself, on the Handshake platform.

Click here to find a mentor and send them a message. It’s that easy. Between them they have all the areas covered.

You can also follow our Peer Mentors on twitter for useful resources and recommendations, or visit the Peer Mentor webpage for more information about the scheme.

I hope that everyone has a great year ahead!

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