
Module Registration 2021: How to make your choices

Module registration for continuing undergraduate students opens at 10:00am BST on Tuesday, 4 May.

Here is an overview of everything you’ll need to know when selecting your module choices.

Mandatory and optional modules

You will be automatically pre-registered for required and mandatory modules for your programme, details of which will be available to view in the module registration online platform.

However, if you are a continuing undergraduate student, you are required to register your optional module (or subject) choices for the new academic year between Tuesday, 4 May at 10:00am BST and 11:59pm BST on Monday, 10 May. The module registration system will allow you to choose a certain quota of optional credits based on your programme of studies.

Where do I complete module registration?

Module registration takes place online. You do not need to be on campus.

The system can be accessed by logging into the Student Intranet with your MWS username and password. From here you find clear links to the module registration portal. Alternatively, you can navigate directly to and log in with your MWS username and password.

The module registration portal will only be available to access after 10:00am BST on Tuesday, 4 May. Module registration is no longer available through Liverpool Life.

Please note, the system is expected to be particularly busy over the first few hours. If on registering for your modules you are asked to wait, please do not click back or log out until the system confirms completion of your request.

It is important that you read through the ’academic advice’ provided at the top of the module registration screen once you have logged in. This is information provided by your department and is specific to your programme.

Module Preferences

As in previous years, should an optional module be shown as full at the point of selection, you will need to make an alternative choice.

This year you will also be able to indicate ‘Reserve’ choices to highlight any modules that you would ideally have chosen, had spaces still been available at the point of your registration.

Once module registration is complete (11.59pm BST, 10th May), Schools may then use this information to support any changes should, for example, a space become available.

In addition, a second screen will be available which will allow you to rank your module choices (both optional and reserve) in order of preference.

As well as potentially supporting this year’s module reserve list process, this information will be highly beneficial in helping to support a wider review of modules and spaces available, as well as the overall process used to support module registration.

It is important to note, however, that whilst every effort will be made to accommodate your choices, we can’t guarantee space on some modules which may be limited by teaching capacity, specialised space or available timetabling room.

Frequently asked questions

Q – How will I know what to do on the portal?

A – It’s very easy to navigate. For further guidance on where to go, how to log in, and how to select your modules please watch this short video:


Q – How many modules should I choose?

A – At undergraduate level you need to complete 120 credits of modules in each year. That usually means that in Semester 1 you will take 60 credits and in Semester 2 you will take a further 60 credits. If your programme contains a 30-credit year-long module(s), the remainder of your credits should split equally.

Q – I’d like some more information about a module before selecting. How do I find it?

A – If you require additional information on the modules, each module title will be hyperlinked and will take you to the module details page.

This will include information on:

Q – What if the module I want is full or closed?

A – In some instances, modules will have a maximum number of students who are able to register. If you are unable to register for your desired module, this will be clearly indicated.

In this instance, it is important that you select alternative modules and continue to register for 120 credits.

Q – What is the reserve list?

Should any of your first-choice modules not be available at the point of registration, you can also use this area to highlight any which you would ideally have chosen.

Your department may then use this information to reallocate spaces should any become available – on a first-come, first served basis, using the date/time that the reserve selection was made. This information will also help the University in better gauging demand for modules and inform its future planning.

Please note, we would advise you to fill your required quota of module credits with available module choices before adding to your reserve list. You can do this by pressing the ‘confirm selection’ button.

It is important to note that while every effort will be made to accommodate your choices, the University is not able to guarantee space on some modules which may be limited by teaching capacity, specialised space or available timetabling room.

Your department will contact you to clarify exactly how they may use this information to inform your selections, if spaces become available on a currently full module

Q – Why am I being asked to rank my optional and reserve modules?

Once you have registered for your modules, you will also have the opportunity to rank all of your chosen modules in order of preference using a second screen.

As well as potentially supporting this year’s module reserve list process, this information will be highly beneficial in helping to support a wider review of modules and spaces available – as well as the overall process used to support module registration.

Q – Can I change the modules I’ve selected?

A – You will be able to change your modules during the registration period. If you re-enter the module selection pages, you will be able to delete and add available modules – also amending any preference-based ranking to support.

If you wish to change your modules outside of the registration period, please speak to your School Student Experience Office.

Please be aware if you delete a module, there is no guarantee you will be able to re-select that module, should it fill up in the meantime.

Q – Will all selected modules remain available?

A – The information within the registration portal is up to date as at the time you select your modules. The ability to deliver some modules during 2021/22 academic year and/or the ability to deliver some content or assessment types within a given module may be subject to change. Please be assured that where this is the case you will be informed directly, and all reasonable steps will be taken to mitigate the effects that this may have on you. In some cases, you may be contacted by your local Student Experience Office to discuss making alternative module registration arrangements.

Q – I am an international student and am currently studying in a different time zone. What time should I log in?

A – We are aware that many of our international students are currently studying remotely, often in different time zones to the UK. Module registration opens at 10am BST on Tuesday, 4 May and will remain open until 11:59 BST on Monday, 10 May. Spaces on modules are allocated in the order that students request a place on the module.  We would like to offer our apologies to all those for whom this is inconvenient.

Q – Why are modules offered on a first come, first served basis? Can’t module registration be staggered?

A – We are intending to collect data this year on the demand for modules by running a ‘reserve list’ function within the system. This will allow anyone who doesn’t secure their first choice the chance to record their intentions. It will log preferred options in the order in which they are received and will allow departments to potentially use this information to reallocate spaces should any become available – on a first-come, first served basis, using the date/time that the reserve selection was made.

Unfortunately, because many modules are shared across faculties, programmes and also year groups, there is currently no other fair way to ensure each student gets equal opportunity to register for the modules they want to.

We are continuing to review this.

Q – I’ve got an issue I need to speak to someone about. Who do I contact?

A – Queries around module registration should be directed to your local Student Experience Office in the first instance. If you’re experiencing a technical issue, please let us know via so that CSD can investigate.

You can find a full list of module registration FAQs on our webpages.

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