
COVID-19: Regular testing on-campus

If you are regularly working or studying on campus in Liverpool, including in our Halls of Residence, you are now required to take regular quick-results lateral flow tests.

The information below provides advice on accessing a test if you do not have any symptoms of COVID-19. If you develop symptoms you must self-isolate and book a PCR test.

Get a test every three days 

Anyone who is on campus for three or more days in any week (Monday to Sunday) will need to access two ‘no symptoms’ lateral flow tests (approximately every three days).

Those who attend campus for one or two days in any week must access at least one ‘no symptoms’ lateral flow tests every seven days, aiming for two where circumstances allow.

If you develop symptoms of COVID-19 you must self-isolate and book a PCR test whether or not you have had a previous positive PCR test. If you have had a positive PCR test result more than 90 days ago, you need to start taking regular asymptomatic tests again.

Get a test before returning to campus

Before returning to campus, if asymptomatic testing is available where you live, you should take a test before you travel back to Liverpool or back to campus.

Find out more about testing requirements prior to returning to campus.

International students returning to campus may require access to different tests. Visit our international guidance page for further information.

Getting a test

Until Friday, 4 June you can access asymptomatic tests at our sites at the Sports Centre, Greenbank and Leahurst – all sites are operating on a walk-in basis, so there is no need to pre-book. Please note, after Friday, 4 June the sites at Greenbank and Leahurst will be permanently closing. See opening details here.

The tests will be conducted using self-swabbing supported by Student Health staff who will provide information and guidance on site. You will need your staff or student ID number.

Test results are processed on-site and you should receive your result within an hour. Results automatically feed through to your GP and the National Institute for Health Protection (NIHP).

If you are unable to make it the on-campus testing centre, you can also access Liverpool City Region’s SMART testing facilities which are prioritising key workers and students returning to University.

Access home test kits

From Tuesday, 1 June, staff and students will be able to collect a COVID-19 self-test kit to allow you to take regular tests at home at a convenient time. Each kit contains 7 tests enabling users to test twice weekly or more often if required, and full instructions are included.

Test kits can be collected from the Sports Centre, Greenbank reception and Leahurst reception from 1 June.

When taking a home test, you should register your result on the NHS app.

When registering your result, the app will ask you a series of questions, firstly when prompted with the question ‘Who was the test for?’ you must select: ‘A nursery, school, college, university, childcare provider or other education provider.’

The next page asks for the site ID – for this please select from the below, depending on where you collected your kit from:

Sports Centre – BEPG

Greenbank – BEPK

Leahurst – BEPO

You can also start typing University of Liverpool and the dropdown box should give you these options to select from.

Testing positive

If you receive a positive result after taking a Lateral Flow test you should self-isolate immediately for 10 days and follow these self-reporting steps. Once your result is passed onto the University Contact Tracing team, they will begin contact tracing and ask you to book a confirmatory PCR test as soon as possible.

You can access a PCR test at our ‘with symptoms’ test centre, via a local test centre or by ordering a at home test kit. Please visit the Government covid pages for further information. If the PCR test is negative you can stop self-isolating.

Please remember that, even if you are accessing asymptomatic testing every three days, you still need to follow the basic guidelines to help keep each other and your wider community safe.

It is vitally important that, regardless of your testing results, to continue to adhere to the ‘Hands – Face – Space’ public health guidance.

Booking a COVID-19 test for those with symptoms

You can book a test if you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, or if you wish to take part in the ‘Test to Release’ scheme for international students. See opening hours and book here.

We are not able to offer testing to members of the general public or anybody who is not part of our university community.

In line with NHS and National Institute for Health Protection priorities, this test is not available for those who do not have symptoms of COVID-19 or who are not taking part in the ‘Test to Release’ scheme.

The tests will be conducted using self-swabbing supported by Student Health staff who will provide information and guidance on site.

You will need your staff or student ID number handy in the booking process (you can find this on your staff or student card).

Further help and advice

If you have any other queries about the on-campus COVID-19 test centres or are struggling to access a test for any other reason please contact, or call the COVID Advisory Service on 0151 795 9500.

The additional testing service on campus represents a significant investment from the University to help our students and staff keep themselves, their families and friends safe.

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