
Update: On-campus asymptomatic COVID-19 testing centre

From Wednesday, 1 September our on-campus asymptomatic COVID-19 test centre will move from the Guild of Students to the Chapel, Foresight Centre.

The centre, which is available for all staff and students and offers on-site lateral flow testing as well as home testing kit collection, will continue to operate on a walk-in basis, so there is no need to pre-book.

The centre will be open on the following days and times:

To find the centre see building 359, grid C10 on the campus map (PDF). See more on our COVID Safety webpages.

Regular testing

Please remember, if you are regularly working or studying on campus in Liverpool, including in our Halls of Residence, you should take regular lateral flow tests, even if you don’t have symptoms. Any student or staff member who is on campus for three or more days in any week (Monday to Sunday) will need to access two ‘no symptoms’ lateral flow tests (approximately every three days).For those who attend campus for one or two days in any week (Monday to Sunday) they must access at least one ‘no symptoms’ lateral flow tests every seven days, aiming for two where circumstances allow.

If you develop symptoms, you can still access PCR testing at our on-campus centre based opposite building 502 next to the Peach Street car park, (see grid E6 on the campus map (PDF)).Further details about PCR testing is available here.

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